...When a friend of mine heard the recording he loved it and immediately suggested a video to go with it. Not only that, he’d pay for it. I like it. WOW! Now I needed dancing beauties, an elephant, …an elephant? YES! Preferably Asian …and Oh YES … BUT WAIT. Forget the harem of beauties and the world’s largest land animal, I was going to need a lot of aspirins to get the impossible licensing rights to show my video once it was done. How could I do that? No problem. I have contacts who, before you can say "It BURNS-uh, BURNS-uh, BURNS-uh!”took my request directly to the people who could give me the green light. GREAT!!! It was promptly denied.
Why? Why? I had my heart set on the elephant. How often does the chance to fulfill a dream like that come around? I had to give up. Put the thing out of my head.
Enter fate.
One day I went to get a back adjustment from my Greek tabla playing physical therapist. It just so happened a complete stranger with enormous connections to music industry biggies was sitting in the office at that very moment. And people ask ME if I’ve done good in my life? This was karma. This stranger overheard my therapist and I discussing the video rights problem and said, “Well, I know a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy that …well you get the picture.” Suddenly, like a Hollywood movie, I was being represented by a music “attorney to the stars” who wasn’t about to let the fire burn out. It took March, April, May, June, July, August, September and more emails than there were seconds in the recording before a miracle happened. He obtained the rights to show the video worldwide.
Photos Making of „Ring of Fire“
Suddenly my plan to become famous without anyone knowing my identity was revived. I know. You didn’t quite understand that last sentence but that was my plan. The only way I would do my own video was to play someone else so anyone who watched it wouldn’t know who I am. Cool, huh? I knew you’d think so.
I contacted every friend who knew anything about film production and promised them one of my excellent “Ring Of Fire” curry dinners if they would immediately drop all their pressing affairs and devote their attention to me. Well, things took a bit longer than I thought. Anyway eventually I was flying off to Sri Lanka to become unknown in my very own video. Wild. I had no idea becoming anonymous could be so much work. I had been unknown my whole life and up until then it had been pretty easy to accomplish. Now it took long hours, days and nights, 100 person crew, a masked elephant, exotic dancing girls, tons of equipment, wardrobe, makeup, special EFX and “the” appropriate disquise.
I could go on and on about how funny the video turned out but they say a picture is worth a thousand words or, at least in this case, a curry at Ramesh B.’s. I’d rather let the video speak for itself. If you want to check it out go to youtube. You won’t know who I am but here’s a clue. Watch for the man in black.
I like it.